Mrs. Larsen 3-1      

1. White elmer's glue and 3 glue sticks 
2. Fiskars scissors 
3. Box of 48 crayons 
4. 10 pencils 
5. big eraser 
6. junk box 
7. school bag 
8. l box of sandwich ziplocs 
9. 2 large box of kleenex 
10. l box of gallon size ziplocs 
11. 1 Assignment notebook , 4 wide ruled notebook paper or tablets
12. no pencil sharpeners 
13. markers 
14. dry erase markers for white boards and eraser 
15. deck of cards 
16. computer disk 
17. 3 folders , 4 notebooks, 5 pocket portfolios
18. 1.5 gallon size storage tote